So, without further ado, here are my first whole sentences in Polish on this blog - a bit of introduction for the Polish readers *^v^* :

Drodzy krajanie! Najwyższy czas nadszedł, żebym zwróciła się frontem do moich polskich wpółblogowiczek i popisała też dla nich w naszym języku ojczystym. *^v^* Zapraszam Was serdecznie do odwiedzania mojego robótkowo-artystycznego bloga, na którym znajdziecie dzierganie na drutach, malowanie obrazów, gotowanie, szycie, tkanie, rzemiosła średniowieczne, sprawy przyziemne i uduchowione oraz wszystko inne, co mi do głowy przyjdzie i o czym napisać zapragnę.
Mieszkam w Warszawie, mam biało-czarnego kota i męża (poniżej) *^v^*

Nie piszę o: dzieciach (bo nie mam), polityce (bo mnie wkurza), inne tematy wielce prawdopodobne. *^v^*
Tyle o mnie, a reszta wyjdzie w praniu.
Z rzeczy dziwnych - na moim książkowym blogu Czytelnia dostałam komentarz. Nie byłoby w tym nic dziwnego, ale... osoba, która wpisała ten komentarz sama prowadzi bloga, najwyraźniej jest z Rosji i pisze o... kampaniach reklamowych papierosów (głównie Pall Mall) produkowanych przez firmę British-American Tobacco Rosja. Czemu mnie to tak dziwi? Ponieważ cztery lata temu skończyłam pracować (po 6 latach) dla firmy... British-American Tobacco Polska! (byłam asystentką Prezesa) Cóż za zbieg okoliczności! *^v^*
Weird things happen every day - I got a comment on my book blog Czytelnia. It wouldn't be very strange but... the person who left me the comment has his/her own blog, apparently is from Russia and writes about... cigarettes ads campaigns (mainly Pall Mall) made by the company British-American Tobacco Russia. What's so weird about that? Four years ago, after 6 years I stopped being an employee of the company British-American Tobacco Poland! (I was President's PA) How about that?! *^v^*
it was lovely to read in polish and understand what you write, considering I dont live there or never have, so my language is up to scratch and this made me happy! So thanks for giving me the chance to read some contemporary polish!!! Its strange but lately I havent been inspired much either, I wonder what it is? is it the stars?
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother was an immigrant, though I've forgotten most of the Polish she taught me when I was child. Maybe I can practice again. Azalea is beautiful, as is the conservation land.
ReplyDeleteHi There! I found your blog off a comment from Tuulia's blog. I had to come visit, after the Polish Sausage comment! I am 100% Polish, though I've never visited. I'd love to, and have been (off and on) trying to regain my language skills. I was relatively fluent as a child, as my grandparents all spoke Polish in the house and in the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI have visited the Czytelnia blog and found this "Pall Mall" comantary... My wife already started to think that this is kind of a spam, so I have "asked" Google and found out exactly the same phrases on other blogs. I do not know if it is a kind of marketing activity or an individual blog promotional action since my Russian is far to poor to read it from the original blog of the one who left the comment, but it is a shame anyway. And since in a case like thie one way to hit someone who misuses the net is to point out the misuse in hope that other users aware of his action won't get missled and won't act the way that could allow the culprit to benefit from his action I am pointing it out. Ramen! :-)
ReplyDeleteThats great that you will be writing in both languages!! I love seeing other languages even if i can't read them.
ReplyDeleteIt's ok we'll always be there, and perhaps we could learn Polish then, who knows? :-)