Today absolutely not about crafts...

Przearanżowałam nieco moją Tablicę Marzeń (chyba taka polska nazwa będzie najlepsza dla tego projektu), stworzoną w ramach Wyzwania 100 Dni. Niektóre elementy pozostały z poprzedniego sezonu, ale dodałam dużo nowych, bo tym razem zmieniły się moje priorytety.
I rearranged the Vision Board for my second season of 100 Day Challenge. Some elements stayed there but I also added some new ones according to my new priorities.

I remember when several year ago our friend was sitting on the couch, in a flat we rented, and she was crying because she wanted to have a baby. Right now. Immediately. Here and now. Maternal instinct was pushing her and pulling the hem of her skirt. (She was 20 at that time, in the middle of the studies, no job, no flat, no perspectives. She also had a very reasonable boyfriend who tried to calm down her outbursts. She then got pregnant with someone else, but that's a different story...)
Od jakiegoś czasu czuję się tak, jak prawdopodobnie czuła się owa moja koleżanka. Tylko nie chodzi o dziecko - chodzi o dom. Chcę mieć dom. Potrzebuję. Muszę. Teraz. Nie w odległej przyszłości, nie w marzeniach, nie na emeryturze. Niebawem. Już tej wiosny. I nie

For some time now I've been feeling what she probably felt. But it's not about a baby in my case - it's about the house. I want a house. I need it. I must have it. Now. Not in some distant future, not in my dreams, not when we'll retire. Soon. This Spring. And not the apartment, irrespective of how big/luxurious it would be. Just the house. With a garden. I want to work in the soil, plant flowers, make a composting place, create paths and flower beds, plant a rambling rose and sow zucchinis. I want to invite friends over for a weekend - for a barbecue, for resting on the deck chairs or on the blanket laid on the grass, bird watching, I want to greet them farewell with a basket full of vegetables and a bunch of herbs.

Za to coraz bardziej denerwuje mnie wiecznie hałasujący sąsiad który mieszka nade mną, ludzie zaglądający mi w okna (bo to parter), ciągle brzęczący domofon (bo to pierwsze mieszkanie na klatce, więc dzwoni sobie każdy - hydraulik, facet z ziemniakami, ulotkarze...). Potrzebuję mojej spokojnej, odosobnionej przestrzeni.
I'm not the city type of person - I don't go clubbing, I don't spend time in the shopping malls, in fact I've been doing most of my shopping online for years now. I'd rather stay inside with a book or knitting than go out in the evening. Am I boring? Well, I'm quite comfortable with that. *^v^*
Moreover I'm getting more and more angry with a constantly noisy neighbour above me, people peeking into my flat through the windows (it's a first floor flat), entry phone ringing all the time (it's a first flat in the block so everybody chooses to call me - a plumber, a guy with potatoes, a leaflet boy...).
I need my own calm separate space to live.
Czuję, że od jakiegoś czasu nic nie jest dla mnie

For some time now I've had a feeling that nothing is more important for me than this house. Which is terrifying because my thoughts completely changed, I'm aiming at grounding, having roots, settling down. Maybe it's the first step towards having children - you can say I feel the need for nesting. And when you build a nest - you can populate it. And why not? It's high time for me.

I've never before thought about having a house - I always knew that we would live somewhere, in a rented flat or with a family. I had no plans or expectations - now I'm a bit angry with myself for that. If you bought a flat in Warsaw 10 years ago, it was much cheaper than today, so we could have bought a flat then, and now sell it with a good profit and buy a piece of land with a house. But what's good about saying now "I could have done this and that...". I led my life the way I did and only I am to blame (or to thank for). It's better to act now and think positive. *^v^*
Na koniec jeden z rogów mojej Tablicy Marzeń - dobrze jest czasem przypomnieć sobie o ważności tego zdania: *^v^*
And last but not least, one of the corners of my Vision Board - it says: "Enjoy the moment!". It's good to remember how important this sentence is! *^v^*

W sobotę jedziemy z agentem oglądać wnętrze domu na działce obok działki Dziadka. *^v^*
This Saturday we are meeting with the agent to see the inside of the house on the land next to Grandfather's cottage. *^v^*
Ja tez pragne miec dom pomimo, ze moje zycie wypelnione jest trojka dzieci (12-, 14- i 19-lat). Ale wlasnie dzieci sa przyczyna, dla ktorej ja ciagle mieszkam w miescie. One nie chca wyprowadzic sie na wies. Ja to musze brac pod uwage i cierpiec w miescie.
ReplyDeleteWiesz, ja przez pare ostatnich dni pisalam faktycznie o tym, ze najwazniejsze jest to aby cieszyc sie chwila. szwecja jest w tej chwili zszokowana strasznym morderstwem i gdzies w glebi tego szoku zdalam sobie sprawe, ze ja zawsze planuje przyszlosc a terazniejszosc jakos mi mija niezauwazalnie.
Zycze Ci duzo radosci z tych drobnych chwil!
we will be away ths weekend but I will take time to send good thoughts about the house out there for you - can't wait to read all about it when we get back.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!
Good luck with the house, Joanna. Although I don't own a house now, I did have a couple in my life, and the feelings are exactly what you describe. I really miss my big garden.
ReplyDeleteSo I'll cross my fingers for you!
Życzę Ci spełnienia marzeń. Domu, ogródka, bycia tam, gdzie pragniesz. Rozumiem Twoją potrzebę uciekania od hałasującego sąsiada i zaszywania się w kąciku z robótką. Jakie to mi bliskie!
ReplyDeleteOstatnio tez dopadla mnie nostalgia na dom. Mieszkamy w Portugalii w nowoczesnym blokowisku, bez placu zabaw i zieleni. Dusze sie. Jestem z Mazur, wakacje zawsze spedzalam u babci na wsi. Tez marze i wierze ze kiedys to sie spelni, oczywiscie szczesciu trzeba zawsze pomoc. Mam nadzieje ze nasze marzenia niebawem sie spelnia. Pozdrawiam