
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Cheesy... ^^

I'm living in the Cheesecake Land nowadays it seems *^v^* , because today I've prepared another one, I hope Robert will like it when he comes home tomorrow morning from his business trip! ^^ I modified the original recipe, so here is my version:

Pear Cheesecake

  • 200 g of cookies, digestive type
  • 100 g butter, melted
  • 2 tsp cocoa
Crush the cookies, mix the crumbs, cocoa and butter. Press firmly onto bottom of 10-in/25 cm springform pan. Place in the fridge for about 30 min.

Cheese cake:
  • 125 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 3 egg whites - beaten into a foam
  • 500 g of cream cheese
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
In a large bowl, beat butter with sugar, add egg yolks, cream cheese and vanilla extract, mix well. Now with a spoon add and mix in the egg whites foam.

Pour the mixture onto a crust and add 3 pears peeled and cut into big cubes on top of that.

Bake for about 1 hour in 375 F/180 C.
The result is a very delicate foamy cake. Let it cool, cover the top with the icing sugar and enjoy! But even better leave the cake for a couple of hours in the fridge.
Smacznego! *^v^*

I'm sewing up Durrow today, keep your fingers crossed! *^v^* Then I'll just need to knit the collar, weave in the ends and add the zipper. I'm happy I have finished this project because new ones are on the horizon... (you know, I got Rowan! *^v^*).
Because I cannot buy any new yarn this month I decided to skip Quarry cardigan and start with something else. I have lots of orange cotton from last year's Tomato top (I bought 1 kg of yarn and used only 200 g... ^^) so I'll be using it now and then over dyeing it with some nice red or magenta colour. I'll reveal all soon! =^v^=


  1. Ohhh Yum-cheesecake sounds so yummy right now!!
    Cant wait to see Durrow all done-you are getting very close.
    is your next knitting from one of the new Rowans?

  2. Od pewnego czasu sledze Twoj blog i jestem zachwycona. To prawdziwa kopalnia pomyslow :)

    Pozdrowienia ze Szwecji

  3. probably I am the only person in the universe who has no idea what a digestive type of cookie is .... don't laugh too hard but can you give me an idea of a type I could find - is it a vanilla crunchy thing?

  4. oh thanks for the suziblu links...I have had a go and its no where near as good as yours but hey - I had to have a try. I havent quite got the cuna style, but it was fun!!
