Which reminded me that I had a whole scanned book of Ukrainian cross-stitch patterns that can be easily adapted to the fair Isle knitted patterns, yikes! *^v^* I can share it with you, if anyone's interested.
I got mail yesterday!
And not just any mail, but the Knitscene magazine from Myriam, with a hand written letter! Now, seriously, when was the last time you got a handwritten letter from somebody?... Well? I haven't for ages! (not counting the previous letter from Myriam in her first parcel she sent me! *^v^*)
Darling, thank you very much, I'm going to write back to you in the same form so please expect some snail mail from me soon! =^v^=
There are some interesting patterns there that already got me thinking about Spring (although I'm so deep in the wrist warmers and mittens plans pile! ^^).

I wish Robert liked the last sweater... But he probably won't. Anyway, he vaguely told me what kind of a cardigan he would like to have, so I may start some designing work soon (ribbing and cables, in short ^^)
Last night we had our first meeting in our Women Circle and we talked about the first Clan Mother,
"Talks With Relations".
Her Teaching: Learn the Truth.
"Talks With Relations" is the Mother of nature and Keeper of the weather and seasons.
She is the Guardian of nature's quiet language and the language of stones, trees and all creatures.
She teaches us to honour all life and all nature's rhythms.
I learned that maybe I should pay more attention to the objects we normally regard as inanimate, like trees or stones, because they may have some messages for us. In fact, I have quite close relationships with stones, I often buy different semi-precious stones at the Stones and Minerals Fairs, I even brought two big boulders we dug out of the Swedish freezing fjord waters! ^^ Stones are fascinating, because they have interesting rough surfaces and you know me - I'm crazy for textures!
I think I will try to talk to my stones and listen to what they have to say to me, they are very old so there may be some wisdom in them!
Yay! so glad you got you package so quickly and liked the letter as well! I love snail mail so i can't wait for yours :)
ReplyDeleteStones are really interesting-when i was a little girl i went to a rock festival and they had a big ara setup with all kinds of different stones and what they were called and you got to get one of each kind and put them in a big egg carton they gave you-i still have that egg carton. i am sure you big boulders would have some very wise words :)
Have you seen this men's sweater? It seems like it has cables and ribbing (tho I didn't read the pattern ... guess I shoulda before showing it to you. Chalk it up to a lazy Sunday morning.)
ReplyDeleteRocks indeed are interesting. Did you know that they hold their heat VERY well. So much so that in really massive rocks, if you split them open , you may still be able to feel the warmth of the energy that created them? AMAZING. (yes, I'm a geology student this quarter and enjoying every minute!)