
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Yuletime journal

Here are the first few ages from my Yuletime Journal - surprise, surprise, it's in Polish, so those of you who don't know my language will only be able to gain the overall patterns&colours effect (which is also interesting and valuable, I believe).
Enjoy! *^v^*


  1. They are great i love the colors and your writing.
    Since i dont know Polish i think for me it adds a touch of mystery and beauty to it as well :)
    Great Job!

  2. The look nice, did you do them on watercolour paper? I love working on that stuff but I don't do it very often since I work in altered books. It will be something to treasure this book!

  3. Beautiful! I can't read them, but as you say, that's still interesting!

  4. absolutely beautiful words and colours and off course the jouranl pics themsleves. I love the candle one!

  5. Love your yuletide journal pages!
