
Thursday, November 22, 2007


Remember, how ecstatic I was when SuziBlu left a comment on my blog? Okay, so here we go - yesterday I wrote about my planned manifestations for my 100 Day Challenge and guess what... Lilou Mace left a comment on my blog! My humble little blog, one of millions of blogs in the blogosphere!... *^v^*
Now, don't tell me that I may get a Eunny Jang's comment on my Tangled Yoke Cardi (when it's finished, of course), that's too impossible to happen!... Or is it? =^v^=
Btw, I really really appreciate every comment, not only from the famous people, but from every reader, even the passerby. Please, say hello if you visit! *^v^*

I had the most unusual dream last night.
Okay, I know I always have weird dreams, every night, but this one was strange and special, I believe. *^v^*
(not for the faint-hearted!)
In my dream, I found out that I had a lot of pins in the palm of my right hand (my dominant hand), as if I touched the cactus or something. It wasn't painful at all but I decided to take them out, one by one. So, I took the first pin out, second, third, and then I pulled out ... a 3 inch long bent a bit iron nail!... It was still absolutely painless but I just wondered how I was able to move and bend my hand with this nail stuck inside. The next thing I took out was a pair of metal tweezers!... And again I was very surprised how I could move my hand with those metal objects in the palm of it!

Now, onto the meaning of my dream: maybe I finally managed to remove something from my mental blocks that kept me for years from doing some things because I thought I wasn't good/talented enough? In fact, I could not move my hand freely with that nail inside but I didn't know that, I didn't know it was there and I was just making half-gestures and never tried doing some things. My hand is free now and I can create whatever I want!
What do you think? =^v^=

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! *^v^*


  1. Firstly: congrats with these comments!
    Secondly: was it full moon last night or something? I also had a very strange dream. Hmmm...
    Thirdly: I think your own interpretation of your dream is always closest. But... I saw you knit a lot, did you had a painfully hard time knitting the day before... ?
    (As you can see; my interpretation isn't coming even close, probably ;D)

  2. My interpretation is that youre starting to remove the obstacles that have held you back in the past. I think youre on your way to great success!!! Keep at it!

  3. Hello :)
    Niesamowity sen - i może rzeczywiście jest coś w tym, jak go zinterpretowałaś? Pozdrawiam serdecznie :)
