
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I am a birthday girl!

Today is my birthday. I'm 33. *^v^*

Last year this time I said to myself "I have a feeling that the next year of my life will be special!".
And it was! *^v^*

I started and practiced new crafts: naalbinding and weaving, both I like very much.
I knitted my first sweater (and then more followed this one! ^^).
And we finally worked out the plan to come out of debts - the plan that works! ^^
I took up embroidery again and created the first WordPictures (more definitely to come in the future!).
We decided to face reality and close our online shop, which was the only sensible thing to do under the circumstances and it was a good move that let us move on in life.
I started my first ever art journal and was brave enough to fill it page by page with different things.
I took up painting again, and I love it, and I'm going to stick to it!
And I even sold my first painting on ebay, yikes! ^^

So, generally, a great year behind me, and there is a message for the new year that has just started for me: "This year is going to be even better than the last one, in every aspect of it!"

And today I'm going to a hairdresser, to my mom's for lunch, then we are meeting my friends for champagne and cake, and who knows what the day may bring? *^v^*


  1. Sto lat! Wishing you a wonderful birthday with lots of happy treats! Wow...33 eh? I remember when I was that
    ps Love your journal posts..they are terrific.

  2. Hope you have a wonderful day! 33 - you're still a little girl ;-)

    Sounds like a great year - but a out-of-debt-plan that WORKS?? Is it a secret or what...? I'd love to have a plan like that :)

    Inspired by you I think I'll call my hair dresser and make an appointment, it's been a long time since my last haircut.

  3. No to.. jeszcze mnóstwa pomysłów i czasu na spełnienie ich wszystkich :)

  4. Happy 33rd Birthday! Happy Halloween too, form USA. HUGS!

  5. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin oraz weso�ego Halloween :-)

  6. Happy birthday, Halloween baby!

  7. Happy Birthday Joanna, from another October baby. I hope your day goes splendidly!

  8. Happy Birthday Joanna!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
    It's been a pleasure getting to know you during this past year and watching evolve in your crafts.
    You are a gifted woman!
    Happy Happy Birthday!
    Can't wait to see your new hairdo.
    Happy Halloween too!

  9. as usual I am a day late and a dollar short LOL -but Belated Happy Birthday -- hope it was the best one ever - and next year will be even better -- ;)

  10. Happy birthday! You're only 2 years older than me and I'm so happy you've exploded with creativity in the last year. Isn't it great? This happened to me a couple of years ago and every year that is passing it's getting more crazy and more fun! :-)

    I like your journal pages below, I need to start working on my mandala too! But all this writing is taking up time too right now!
