
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Zucchinis, broad beans and one happy tomato! ^^

We had another great weekend (it's the third one in a row)!

On Friday I've been at my parents' allotment and I brought some vegetables with me. ^^
Zucchinis, squashes, 5 small cucumbers and 4 tomatoes out of which 3 are still not ripe (these are not the happy tomatoes from the title! *^v^*).
I made squashes for lunch on Sunday, cut into halves, topped with meat, cheese and tomato sauce and cooked in the oven. ^^

Broad beans still in the pods. They were delicious, cooked and served with some butter melted over them! ^^

On Sunday we went with Anna to the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle and saw the works of Darren Almond - his beautiful Fullmoon series photographies and the film trilogy exploring trains.
Another exhibition was Concrete Heritage. From Corbusier to blocks of flats, works of Polish young artists exploring many forms of human habitat in the Polish cities. I got especially enchanted with the projects by Julita Wojcik - she crocheted the whole big apartment blocks! ^^

After the cultural part we went to the swimming pool, had lunch at our place and finished the day with some ice-cream, coffee prepared by Robert and some drinks.

I hope you all had a great weekend! *^v^*

And tomorrow I'll show you some knitting (finished and in progress), and a happy Tomato will be revealed. ^^

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