
Monday, July 09, 2007

A piece of Norway in my flat!

But first - what we did on Sunday. *^v^*

It was another lovely day we spent with my friend Anna - she had some boyfriend problems lately and we wanted to spend some quality time with her and cheer her up. ^^

We went to the Warsaw Rising Museumm, dedicated to the events from the World War II and the Rising against the Germans that Polish people started in Warsaw in 1944. The museum is really great - with reconstructed fragments of the streets, many photos, documents, letters, uniforms, guns and even a real plane. There were films about the rising shown in different rooms, speeches of the people who survived the war, lots of war memorabilia and all of this was both educational and shocking...

I was especially interested in the printing room with working printing machines, the radio station room (on the right) and the reconstructed cafe (on the left), where you could sit and have a coffee and a cake. Both those rooms were furnished with a typical Polish 30's and 40's furniture I remember from my Grandmother's place, I love this style! (Look at the crocheted doilies! *^v^*)

Then we went to the swimming pool, like last Sunday and for a Chinese meal. (Me wearing my KSH scarf, because it was a bit chilly.. ^^)
We are already looking for an interesting place to visit next Sunday! ^^

Now, let's look at the piece of Norway in my flat! ^^

This morning I received a packet from Helene from Norway and she sent me all those goodies: a heart-shaped letter (have you ever got a heart-shaped letter?! ^^), lots of sour jellies I love (I'm testing them now as I write this! testing, testing...), a drop spindle ( I can finally practice spinning on my own spindle!) and a skein of Norwegian wool for a pair of naalbinded socks.Thank you very much, I'm in a sour jellies heaven! *^v^*

Off to knitting:
I still haven't finished my Norwegian Gloves (this is the second one, all knitting presented by my faithful sheep assistants ^^, with a thumb ready, still awaiting the rest of the fingers).

Because of this:
Tomato! I started to knit on Friday evening and got to this point late night Sunday - I put it on and it seems to fit me, yikes! ^^ I wasn't sure about that because I'm knitting it one size bigger than I should because I have a thinner yarn which gives more stitches in a gauge than expected. But it seems my math skills hasn't disappeared yet!

And because of this:
Mystery Stole 3. After swatching I changed the yarn to a bit thicker one (Turkish Yarn Art Violet 10 cotton) and I'm glad I did. It's the middle of the first clue, I'll be working on it during the week and I hope to finish the second clue before next Friday. In addition to the two markers on the edges I added two more markers in the very centre of the stole, which I highly recommend, because in this way it's easier for me to keep track of where I am on the chart and on the shawl itself.

Happy Monday, everyone! *^v^*


  1. awwww your sheep friends are very cute :) and i like the new yarn you picked for your shawl-looks great!

  2. I love that 30's style too--I am looking for a new bedframe and I want one in that style, but alas no luck!
    This is totally random, but at the folk dance I went to the other night there was a woman that looked just like you! I did a double-take for a second, I think she might have been your long-lost twin LOL!
