
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Papa's got a brand new...MuVo!

We've been preparing our car for tomorrow's travel to Czech Rep today and also done some shopping - I can finally have my music with me all the time! *^v^*

(well, as long as the battery goes, but it's supposed to play for 18 hours, wow! ^^)

My MuVo is loaded with Larc En Ciel, The Corrs, some good old Polish cabaret songs, some best bellydancing hits and I'm still waiting for Robert to decide what he wants to listen to in the car. It suddenly seems like 1 GB is not that much... ^^
We are packed and ready (thank you, guys, for the compliments, my new tote is sooooo heavy I may reconsider repacking some things to the big traveling bag...), Robert's just spoke to our friend in Praga and there is a crate of yummy Czech beer waiting for us already!

And I may still sew a MuVo cozy this evening, who knows? *^=^*

Have a great weekend, guys, as I intend to do! See you on Monday!


  1. I know when you get it 1 gig sounds like so much and you start putting on the tunes and you realize you have lots more to put on than what that will hold. I still have a bit of room on my IPod but it is getting to the point I am being a bit more picky about what I put on ....

    Have a ball this weekend -- you both look so summery---well Robert looks as summery as black allows ;)

  2. Hello from Finland! I'm visiting Warsaw in one week and naturally I've been trying to find information on local yarn shops, but sadly without any luck. Could you perhaps recommend some?
