
Friday, April 20, 2007

There is a tree in my bedroom!...

This is the fully warped loom (80 cm wide, 320 threads). I really cannot wait to see the pattern I'm going to get, because I'll be weaving this fabric using a totally different colour of yarn - a dark emerald shade of green. Tonight Anna is coming, we are going to make pizzas, drink red wine and start weaving, yikes! ^^

There is a tree in my bedroom!...

Robert brought me a tree last night, when he was coming home from the tube station around midnight. *^v^*
It's freshly cut, extremely heavy (although it's not very big), has a beautiful green smell (yes, I often name scents with colour names), pretty greyish-greenish bark, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with it!
But it's here and it feels like it's been here forever. I know that the last thing I need in my cluttered flat is the tree (in fact, this may be the last thing anybody in a 5-bedroom house would need!...), but I feel reluctant to get rid of it, even put it on my balcony... We'll see about that, for now it stays next to my growing tomato plants, peeking outside. ^^

More botanical news - my pink hoya (Hoya carnosa) is in bloom again (well, it is in bloom several times a year, irrespective of the season ^^), and again there is a weird problem with it - its flowers apparently have a special scent, which I cannot smell at all (and I am very sensitive to different smells), but Robert can smell it and he cannot stand it!... And the same was at my parents' house - my mother couldn't smell this scent but my father was walking around the house saying that hoya stinks again... It's very mysterious to me, did you have any similar experience with this plant?


  1. I went to a site about the Hoya - and there are all kinds of coments - from heavenly smell, to smells like chocolate to it STINKS...... maybe it depends on which kind you have?

  2. I've never had that kind of plant, but it sounds fascinating. It's crazy that the same smell can leave such different impressions on people. I often wonder the same thing about color--does everyone perceive color slightly differently?

  3. Years ago I had a Hoya bloom exactly like the one in your picture! I was so thrilled to see the blooms I didn't notice any scent! Linda in IOWA
