
Thursday, April 19, 2007


I've tried a new craft yesterday! *^v^*

Together with my friends Anna and Kate from the medieval reenactment group we tried sprang, which is a kind of weaving, in which you twist the warp (no weft needed) and the result is a very elastic, lacy fabric.
It can be used to make stockings, hairnets or bags - anything that needs to be elastic.
Here is my loom with linen thread - on this thread you place the warp - up and down, up and down, ect.
And some examples of the work in progress and the finished piece of fabric (it's surprisingly elastic in every direction! ^^).

My views on sprang - I definitely must practice more of this technique, because I've only tried it once (and I had to start five times when I finally grasped the idea of how to do it properly!... Okay, I was learning from a description, so at first it wasn't that easy to get the idea, what to do with which thread.)
I'm fascinated with the degree of elasticity this technique gives and I'm already thinking about making a pair of Viking stockings - the anklet in naalbinding and the rest above the ankle in sprang.
As always, I'm happy I have tried a new craft and I'm going to practice it more.

Helene, have you got any experience with sprang? What's your opinion? Or anybody else, please? ^^

Anyway, my blue and green tangled wool supply arrived couple of days ago and (apart from the fact that I have a box full of 4 kilos of yarn in the middle of our bedroom...) I've almost finished warping the loom to make the fabric for Robert, so expect the first pictured soon (maybe even on Saturday, yikes! ^^). On Friday evening we are going to meet my friend Anna and the three of us are going to finish warping (at least three people are necessary to set a proper tension on the loom), and I cannot wait to start weaving! ^^

One more thing, Lana, I sent you your goodies two days ago, please let me know when you get it so I know it's not lost somewhere on the way... ^^


  1. Wow, that is so neat! I've never heard of that technique but the fabric it makes is really cool.

  2. Sprang looks pretty cool. I don't know anything much about it.

    I will certainly let you know when the mail arrives. Thanks!

  3. Sprang sound really interesting. I've never heard of it before but it sounds like a useful technique.

  4. I've just made a few swatches.
    I have a new project on my frame, but it's waaay back in line :)
    Can't seem to find time for everyting you know. Some day!

  5. Hi Brahdelt.
    I am from Argentina, I work in sprang. I invite you to visit my blog, and some blogs about sprang.
    Greetings from Argentina. Graciela
