The crazy skirt maker attacks again!!!

I say 'again', because once in a while I suffer from a heavy skirtitis and nobody can do anything about it. *^v^*
Skirts are my favourite items to sew and I make a lot of them, some for sale (some of them will go on Etsy soon! ^^) and some for me.
Remember my 30-something shawls collection? ^^ My skirt collection looks like this:

These just some skirts I bought (there are many more...)

These are some skirts I made for myself in the past.
And here are my latest creations:

"Folk gal" - can you believe that this skirt was just a table rug last week?... But I found it resting in a bin in a thrift store, rescued it for 4$ and turned into a skirt that reminds me a cross between a Peruvian sheep herder and a Polish folk dancer from Lowicz area. ^^ I added the hip part from the black thick cotton and a zipper. It's wool and it's very convenient for the current weather.

"Little Rose" - this skirt was a

"Blue Meadow" - I bought the fabric for this skirt like 10 years ago... I had many plans for it, cut it out in different shapes, put it away several times and then just now I made a skirt out of it. ^^ It's an embroidered cotton, bought in a friendly fabric shop where the lady didn't add the VAT tax to the price so I got it really cheap.

"Green fields" - I thrifted this fabric a year ago and made some bags out of it, and at that time I cut out parts for a skirt (for two skirts, to be precise, the othe one is still 'in the making' and will be for sale). It's printed cotton, with some natural colour lace.

Put your name and word 'needs' into google search and list the results.
1. Joanna needs to go to see her loan manager at her bank (yes, I need to work on my loans...)
2. Joanna needs money (oh, that's SO true!)
3. Joanna Needs Tuning (my health definitely! ^^)
4. Joanna needs to postpone her upcoming album (that's a mystery to me, hm...)
5. Joanna needs to find herself (well, yes, I'm working on finding my true vocation in life)
6. Joanna Needs Love Too (of course!)
7. Joanna needs eyebrows and lashes (false lashes - yes please, eyebrows - no, thank you! ^^)
8. Joanna needs to be willing to make the first changes (true, again, it's connected with finding my true self)
9. Joanna needs intellectual stimulation and companionship (nice!)
10. Joanna needs some adult company (any company, I spend a lot of time alone at home)
Happy Friday, everyone! ^^
I love the demin skirt best - it's so stylish and such a good idea.