Pattern is very simple, they've been knitted toes up (I love the short rows toes and heels!), and I used one blue ball and what was left of the off-white ball of Wendy's Merino Double Knit, 100% wool. I still have another ball of this off-white yarn but from a different colouring batch and it's slightly more yellowy, that's why I could not use it to make my socks higher. I'm thinking about some lacy wristwarmers out of it.

They are comfy and warm, although I had some problems with the elastic binding off I described two posts earlier.
Well, it's not elastic, like... at all. At least in my version. So I unwound it after I did it and bound off normally but with bigger loops left, and it worked! *^v^*

Yesterday I bought one skein of yarn to finish my Winter gloves but it's neither red nor black, it's what you would call salt and pepper, kind of very dark greyish black. I'm going to knit on finger with it and see whether it works at all or not.
This afternoon my best friend Anna is coming to my place and we are going to cook some traditional Polish dish - you call them dumpligs, we call them pierogi! They can have many different stuffings, but we are going to make two versions: with beef plus vegetables and with potatoes plus cottage cheese (which are in fact called the Russian dumplings! ^^) I'm cooking beef and vegetables right now so they are ready to be ground and put into a dough later, when Anna arrives! I promise photos tomorrow! *^v^*
I'll leave you with my new everyday task: taking photo of my everyday clothes!
Here are the pictures from 15th, 16th and 17th of January. They belong to the Flickr group Wardrobe Remix.
Witaj! Masz mily kacik w necie :o). Rozejrzalam sie troszke i postanowilam do Ciebie wpadac czesciej. A piety i palce w skarpetkacjh robie identycznie. "short rows" sa najlatwiejsze i najladniejsze.