
Monday, January 01, 2007

Books in 2007

Here is my list of the books read in 2007. They are graded from O to 6.
The list from the previous year can be found here: Books in 2006

1. Haruki Murakami "South of the Border, West of the Sun" 5
2. Haruki Murakami "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" 6
3. Ami Sakurai ""Inosento Warudo" (Koniec niewinnosci) 5
4. Joanna Bator "Japoński Wachlarz" (Japanese Fan) 6
5. Sonia Choquette "Your Psychic Pathway" 5
6. Don Miguel Ruiz "The Mastery of Love" 4
7. Wayne Dyer "Creating Your Life With Your Thoughts" 5
8. Don Miguel Ruiz "The Four Agreements" 5
9. Wayne Dyer "Spiritual Solution for Every Problem" 5
10. Haruki Murakami "Kafka on the Shore" 6
11. Feliks W. Kres "Guardian of Beings" 4
12. Sonia Choquette "True Balance" 6
13. Patrick Susking "Pachnidlo" 5
14. Joanna Chmielewska "Kocie worki" 5
15. Joanna Chmielewska "Mnie zabić" 4
Sonia Choquette "Creating Your Heart's Desire" 6
17. Joanna Chmielewska "Kretka blada" 4
18. Joanna Chmielewska "Zbieg okolicznosci" 4
19. Rhonda Byrne "The Secret" 3
Marie-Luise von Franz "The Way of the Dream" 4
21. ed. "Dream As A Roadsign" 4
Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part I 6
Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part II 5
24. Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part III

Robert's list:
1. ed. "The Wonderful World of the Indian Ocean" 5
2. Feliks W. Kres "Klejnot i wachlarz" (A Jewel and a Fan) 5
3. A. & B. Strugacki "From Outside" 5
4. S.M. Stirling "Marching through Georgia" 4
5. Władysław Duczko "Russia of the Vikings" 5
6. Stefan Friedmann, Jonasz Kofta "Dialogi na cztery nogi" 5
7. Peter F. Hamilton "The Reality Dysfunction. Part 1: Emergence" 3
8. Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part I 5
9. Glen Cook "The Black Company" 5
10. Glen Cook "Shadows Linger" 4
11.Glen Cook "The White Rose"
12. Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part II 5
13. Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver" part III 5
14. Ian R. MacLeod "The Light Ages" 3
15. Arthur C. Clarke & Michael Kube-McDowell "The Trigger" 4
Norman Davies "White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919-20" 5
17. Ami Sakurai "Innocent World" 4

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