
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I survived!

Yes, I officially survived Christmas time! ^^ With lots of eating, meeting with my extensive family, visiting, ect, ect... We are back home with tons of food we got from my mom and my two mothers-in-law, everybody liked their gifts and all's well that ends well. *^v^*
And I even did not have any arguments with my mother, whoa!... (well, she tried to start a row on Christmas Eve, just as we met at the door, but I ignored it - I squashed my answer in my mouth... - and the rest of the evening went rather smoothly).

I should add one more button here because I not only bellydance, I also swim - we went to a swimming pool today to loose some of the Christmas food fat! ^^ I swam 16 times across the 50-metre pool, then we went for some bubly recreation in jacuzzi, and then we went outside to an open air pool - that was fun! ^^ Water was 26 degrees C hot, but the air was about 3 degrees C, so we had to hide under the surface of the water all the time and I felt a bit like in the Japanese onsen, yikes! ^^

As far as bellydancing is concerned, I'm a bit worried that my dancing group may possibly be dissolved after this term. We started with about 25 people, and for the last month there were 5 or 6 people coming to classes... This is the intermediate level and more work has to be put into it this term, the steps and moves are a bit more difficult and we practice dancing with a veil, so obviously not everybody who enlisted for this group are willing to make a bigger effort. Our teacher is also sad because if this happens she will have to start the beginners group again, and teach simple hip drops, which is a bit boring for her.


I already started the scarf for Anna but I ran out of colours in my stash so I'll have to buy some more. In the meantime I dug out some Regia sock yarn

and started the more or less mindless socks knitting that I can do while watching tv. ^^

I like the regular stripes and it seems that there will be enough yarn left after finishing a full sock to knit a short anklet, too. ^^

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. I love the stripey socks.
