
Thursday, November 16, 2006


Last night we had our Wednesday girls meeting (only three of us this time) and I took some photos:

Anna nad Kate

Anna, me and Kate

We learnt 5 naalbinding stitches up till now: Oslo, York, Finish, Turned Finish and Russian, and we know how to make a sock and a mitten. Kate even made a hat (but forgot to bring it with her ...). We are going to naalbind till the end of November and then move on to band weaving - heddle weaving first and then in January - card weaving. I teach the Warsaw girls and occasionally we meet with the other part of our group - people who live in a town 50 kms from Warsaw, and I teach the other girls then, so all ten of us practice the same crafts more or less at the same time and pace (with some on-line materials help).
I'm very happy that girls are eager to take part in the meetings, that they want to learn all those crafts - I hope we will have more "household" photos on our website next season - for now there are mainly military photos of our boys!...
BTW, if you want to visit our site, here is the address:, chose the English verion button in the upper right corner.

Off to other crafts...
I have a very cunning plan (I almost feel like Black Adders's sister, wow! ^^):
- I thought that maybe I would try and finish all the UFO's I have till the end of this year, and if I won't manage to finish some items, I'd just get rid of them one way or the other.
Because what's the use of half sewn skirts or half knitted scarves?

How old are your oldest UFOs? ^^


  1. I only started knitting this year, so my ufo goes back to April (socks for the OH). But I do have unfinished trousers from 1990 (sewing)!

  2. Your group looks like so much fun! I think the only crafters around here are cranky old ladies, ha ha.
    Wow, my oldest UFOs aren't very old...I have a couple knitted purses that I still haven't seamed that are about a year and a half old.

  3. I have a 3 year old UFO. It would be so unfashionable now that it isn't worth finishing.
