
Thursday, October 12, 2006

There was some stitching done...

... but unfortunately I'm not talking about sewing or knitting.

Last night my kitty Barbi came home with a deep cut around her paw and we went to the vet to check it. It looked really nasty so he decided to stitch it. He also checked her jaws and removed two teeth in a bad condition. One hour and 60 $ later she looked like that on the pillow on our sofa.

She couldn't move at all for about half an hour, but then she started to walk in different directions and fell off the sofa twice, when her legs suddenly refused to work (the sedative still worked).
Today she doesn't leave me for an inch (now she's in my lap when I'm sitting at the computer), and is very angry that I write when I should cuddle her all the time and pay all my attention to her condition. ^^

I've been very busy this week, created lots of things for my new place to sell my things - folk gallery (photos soon), and on Monday I terminated cooperation with some other gallery.
What happened?
Well... They took some of my embroidered belts, crocheted doilies and chokers in January this year. Then one belt was sold and I got mail from a girl saying that they are not sure which one was sold, because they got a bit lost with what they have and what they sold, and so on. I was a bit angry, because I gave her the list of all my things, with pictures, descriptions and prices, we exchanged several mails, the girl felt offended that I told her about responsibilities of a shop in this situation and about the shop-artisan relations, and frankly speaking, about the mess she had in her gallery. Then suddenly her colleague joined the discussion and she determined which belt was sold and how much money the owe me. It was in May.
Last week I wrote to them that I'd like to have workshops in their gallery next year (naalbinding, heddle weaving, tablet weaving), they were very enthusiastic about it, and then in the Post Scriptum to their mail I read: "And one more thing - we sold one of your belts in the Summer (!!!) but we don't know which one, so give us some time to find it out." I got furious!... I went there on Monday, met with a colleague of the girl I was talking to (because she was home with a sick child, but that's very often her excuse for not being in the shop...), she apologised to me and we collected all my items from their shop - it turned out that they sold NOT a belt, but a choker!... So I took the money and took all my creations (one doily was stained with some juice...), and decided not to give them anymore things to sell. How can people be so irresponsible? It's all about trust, about order, about somebody's hard work and creative thinking, about money... It's not about "let's play shop, I'll be selling some things you gave me, and maybe I'll loose or destroy some of them, or forget that I sold something and give you the money several months later, by the way of our conversation on other subject"...I don't understand such approach to business and I'm not going to agree on such treatment!

Now, back to caressing my cat again, it's soooooo soothing... ^^

Some time later that day...
On-line conversation with my husband:

Me: I'm going to a vet with Barbi right now.
Robert: Good luck!
Me (after a while): No way, I cannot put het into the basket!...
Robert: Oh, that's a problem...
Me: I am two hands short...
Robert: Have you tried to put a basket with the doors upwards and slide the cat into it?
Me: Yes, I tried. Claws all over me...
Robert: So, maybe try to put her into some travelling bag, with a zipper.
Me: Hm...
Robert: Or one of your big totes...
Me (after a while): Great! Now the cat's under the bed. Claws all over me...
Robert: Cool! Bags are also under the bed!... ^^
Me: I've opened the window and pretend I'm going to let her go outside. And waiting...
Robert: Clever!...
Me (after a while): Victory! Cat's in the basket, I'm rushing out to the vet! ^^

Now, the cat has been under the bed for two hours, totally offended by my strange idea of taking her to a vet for an antibiotic shot, and probably decided not to speak to me ever again. Oh, well... *^-^*


  1. How infuriating they sound! How can they run a business in that way. I hope your new gallery works out.

    Poor cat! I hope she is feeling better now. She looks so sweet in the photo.

  2. Hi Joanna! I haven't checked in for a while because I subscribed to Bloglines and forgot to put you on my list of feeds. I've added you now.....

    It's no joke trying to get a cat into a basket, is it? I used to get scratches and even lose the tips of my nails! And all the time I'd be more worried about stressing my poor kity-cat. I hope Barbi is better soon.

    And those gallery people don't deserve any business, let alone yours.

    I like your goth outfit, by the way. And your hair looks really good, dark. It compliments your skin tone.
