Of course, I frogged. I frogged half if the instep of the second sock, because the pattern started to be funny on one needle and I had to go back to the end of the heel to repeat this and knit correctly this time. But overall, it was a very pleasant and quick project (as socks usually are! ^^), and I'll be knitting this pattern again in different colours.

(the heel looks strange because the plastic leg is smaller that the size of the sock)
I also finished the first Allete wing and started the second one, pictures soon.
And I'm currently working on something totally different from knitting - I'm sewing (by hand) the XIII th century dress for the medieval event we are going to attend next weekend (we started this XIII c project last year and I already have two chemises and one dress, but I still need another one for the two days event). I've been cutting out all the pieces this morning and afternoon, and I'll start pinning it together and sewing this evening. The fabric is the purple wool from underneath my Lithuanian socks above. ^^
And finally, some cat pictures. ^^
My kitty on a sheepskin on our balcony, behind her you can see my weaving frame, my husband's Viking shield and the blue foil that covers our old broken tv (this one should really go!...).


"Do you want anything from me?"

"Not really? I thought so..."

"I'm soooo tired... And so cute! ^^"
Your cat is so cute. I love those photos. And the socks look great.