For those of you, who have no idea what I'm talking about here is a quick explanation:
kokoshnik is a medieval Russian headdress, richly embroidered with pearl, precious gems, golden thread, ect. Here is the example.
I need this headdress because I am a medieval reenactor, reconstructing the X-XII centuries clothing from Scandinavia and Russia.
So, first I drew the right shape of the front part, designed the embroidery pattern and drew it on a tracing paper with a blue tracing pencil (the one you can iron on the natural fabric).

Then, I ironed the pattern onto the cotton fabric (this will be the backside of the front, if you know what I mean ^^), pinned this fabric to a red woollen fabric (front part), and traced the outer shape with a contrasting thread - I'll remove this thread while finishing the shape but for now I need it to see on the right side where I have the borderlines for my embroidery.

And today, after some 8 hours of beading I have part of the pattern ready! ^^

I know it's not very inspiring, but it's just the beginning. And I also know that it's not a very even beading, but it's REALLY hard to embroider with beads especially when you have the pattern drawn on the wrong side of the fabric, and you have to achieve the pattern on the right side...
Of course, I'm using only natural materials: glass and mother-of-pearl beads, 100% wool and cotton fabric, cotton threads, I'll also add felt and copper wire for sturdiness.
My you are multi-talented! That's really interesting too, never heard of that before.