
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Creating till I drop

Frankly speaking, that's what I've been doing since last week... All for the medieval event we are going to this Thursday. And I'm not happy about it, because:
1. I got cold yesterday and feel awful...
2. I checked the weather forecast and it's supposed to rain on Friday, and be cloudy and windy on Saturday and Sunday, well...

But that's what I have finished (or almost finished, but it can be worn):
- embroidered bands for my husband's caftan - I still need to make the longest one for the bottom, but I'll do it later
For myself:
- embroidered Rus cap called povoinik
- emboidered Rus veil, worn over the povoinik
- another embroidered Rus veil called ubrus, worn over the first veil (okay, it will be richly embroidered when I get back, I didn't find time to do it before this event, I only hemmed it with a red thread)
- embroidered Rus three-panel skirt called panova

Photos on Monday, after we get back home.

I looked through the Japanese knitting book many times and I have some favourite paterns in mind (and in the line after others...), I think I'll start with the beautiful five-fingered gloves many bloggers already have knitted. But it will happen some time next week. ^^

I also got a bit angry today, because my husband talked to his boss about the raise and he heard that he is "the most precious employee, everybody's extremely happy about his job and how he deals with new tasks, but... there is no chance for a raise, not yet, nobody knows when it would be possible..." So, that's how you motivate your best workers?... It's not even about the money, it's about the recognition of his skills and his dedication to this job, and it seems they don't give a damn about good workers!... Oh, bugger!...

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