
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Snow White finished!

Very sleepy day today! ^^

I finished my Snow White shawl on Sunday. ^^

Snow White Shawl
Started: 11th April
Finished: 30th April
Pattern: my own
Size: 132 cm x 73 cm
Yarn: 220 g of white mohair blend from old stash (no paper band on the skein so no idea of details)
Needles: US 6 / 4 mm
Notes: It has 282 rows. The pattern is very easy to memorise, so I soon after starting knitted without looking at the chart.
(black shadow underneath is my chair)

And now I'm left with Clapotis (not much to knit, in fact), and looking forward to two new projects: bag for Tote Exchange and felted bag for Bag Me KAL (yarn trip on Thursday! ^^).

Can you see the weather forecast for Warsaw for tomorrow?

What about my picnic?!... It's also cold and a bit windy today, and it's not supposed to change much till tomorrow... Well...
I'm still baking the Chinese ribs in honey and soya sauce, to be prepared for a sudden outburst of sun! ^^

On Sunday I swatched with the green cotton melange yarn (previous swatch is here), and as much as I like the fuchsia-violet toned I'm knitting Clapotis with (it's the same yarn), I just don't like this green one at all... I don't 'feel' this yarn, if you know what I mean. I've knitted 4 cm of a sock, and then about 5 cm of a Leaf Lace scarf, and frogged both. I'm happy I only bought three skeins (150 g), so it wasn't a big spend. Well, you can't have it all!


  1. That's a gorgeous shawl!! It's huge if that's your chair underneath.

  2. Beautiful shawl!-- I hope wrapping yourself up in it will make you feel like a fairy tale princess. :)

  3. WOW, that is really pretty, Joanna! It is a lovely, lovely shawl and you really finished it so quickly. You are also far ahead on the CLapotis, I'm still struggling with the straight rows.

  4. Beautiful shawl--perfect!
