Last night on my belly dancing class we were practising new body movement, namely hip drops. And the teacher praised me! Me, me, me!... ^^ It seems I can drop my hips, if anyone needs a hip dropper, I am the man for a job! (well, a woman, to be precise... ^-^) Generally I can see that I have no problems with understanding the body and legs techniques (some girls do and they move totally wrong parts...), my hands are my weak point - they get tired very quickly so I started to work on my muscles - I have a funny device that has two blue handles and a red hinge in the middle, and I squeeze it often during the days with all my strength, I hope it will strengthen my poor shoulders! ^^
I feel a bit anxious, because I've been knitting for a long time now and haven't finished anything in the last few days...
I know that I'm knitting big pieces now (Snow White shawl - 115 cm this morning and will grow in the afternoon! ^^, Clapotis - five stitches dropped), but it's nice to finish a project every four or five days (like socks or mittens, they are quick)! ^^
I've created a word cloud from words on my blog, it's fun!

The weather is getting worse today, the sun is behind the clouds and it's getting noticeably colder. This coming weekend we were supposed to go for a medieval event organised by the group of reenactors who are our friends, but unfortunately my husband has a telephone duty at work which means he has to stay within the distance of max 30 minutes from the city if anything happens to the web servers... But, as I've seen the weather forecast, it will be raining continously till Tuesday, and it'll be cold and windy! So, maybe it's better we are not going. ^^ I planned a picnic for Wednesday in a park close to our district (I've already wrote that 1st and 3rd May are Holidays in Poland, so many people take 2nd May free and spend 5 days away), a real picnic with a blanket to sit on, boiled eggs, grilled chicken, cucumbers, orange juice and games! We'll see about the weather, though.
I totally forgot to show you this one: on Saturday I made a cute little swatch (6x6 cm) - this is the green mohair yarn from my frogged green turtleneck sweater and the pattern comes from a Polish knitting magazine I've bought lately (they are supposed to be two leaves, I hope it's visible).

Maybe I'll combine it with some other more lacy pattern and knit another shawl (use it as a border)? I shall see.
I was thinking about the Tote Exchange last night, namely about the following issue: we can send to our exchange pal some sweets and other gooddies prior to the bag itself. I, of course, have the whole list of such gooddies already, some specific to my country and I hope it will be fun and pleasure to receive them, but how can I send them to her without revealing my address on the envelope? I can't. And if I do this, she will immediately know, which person from the list is her secret pal, because I am the only one in this exchange from Poland, and secret won't be a secret anymore! Well, in this case I'll just pack it all together with a finished bag and send in one big parcel somewhere in June. ^^ I've picked the pattern and next week I'm going yarn shopping (for this and other projects). I can feel I'll be knitting those in pair, because I really like the pattern myself - I'll see how it turns out in reality.
Another knitted bag - Felted Bowling Bag (my May Bag Me KAL project) - will be my FIRST EVER felted product.
Okay, my first ever felted ON PURPOSE product. ^^ Because I happened to shrink my favourite Winter gloves in the washing machine some time ago... I loved them and just didn't think straight when I put them to wash, well... They got sooooo tiny!...
Enough said, off to knitting! ^^
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