A also worked on a commisionned black cape, in fact it goes quicker than I expected - I already have half done! Yatta! ^^ And the yarn is incredibly soft!... It's a fifty-fifty mixture of wool and acrylic. In fact, I love the idea of knitting something like that on a circulars, it's very easy to handle.

And here is my finished red mohair cape:

Now, something completely different (or maybe not?... ^^)...
Here is a collection of my scarves and ties. I counted them today and I have 29... TWENTY NINE?!... Can you believe it?... And not that I'm going to stop buying them whenever there is a chance to get something nice...
Am I a scarf freak, or what?... ^^
Some of them, of course, are my favourites, like the Hindu patterns, but I wear them all more or less frequent. The last one is my latest knitted creation, to match my moss-green army coat.

Looks like I have a lot? My collection grows! ^^
I love the checker scarf beginnings! Don't worry - as you go along I seemed to get more used to how much tension to have....