
Monday, March 13, 2006

All the things great and small

Today I've finally closed my company I started in 2004 and had for about a year...
To cut the long story short, I decided to open a shop with my best friend, I registered a company, we chose the type of goods (gothic clothing and accessories), we found a place and opened a shop, we quarrelled over the way it should be handled/the stuff we were selling/the customer care, we closed in June last year.
We are still very good friends, lucky for us!
So, till now I had to wait for all the paper work to be finished, my VAT tax overpayment to be payed back by the State, and today I signed the last piece of paper saying that my company is no more...
It's all a bit sad, but at least I tried! (my Mom was saying I should change the profile, start selling sth else, but I didn't want to!) Good news is I kept my shop on the Web and still selling more or less successfully up till now! ^^ You can visit at

What's on my needles nowadays?
I'm sure you've seen beautiful Cleaves from
Because I'm having my toilet redecorated I have to sit at home with the workers, so I decided to start this unusual project and in fact I've almost finished it!
This was my first choice of yarns:

I wasn't too sure about the one in the middle because it looked too red in comparison to the rest, but in the end it turned out that I only used dark violets combined with thin lilac yarn. I have two sleeves ready and today I'm making the cowl - I think because I will run out of thin lilac soon, I'll combine dark violet with light violet to finish the cowl.
Picture soon!
BTW, it was my first time using dpns and... I like them very much! Even better than circulars. No seam is a great plus! ^^

Another good news today - I just got a message that my Kalaripayattu dance classes start tomorrow evening! Im soooo excited, I have no idea how you can dance Kalaripayattu moves, it's an martial art, for goodness sake!... But anyway, I'm sooo looking forward to this, together with my bellydancing classes I have on Thursdays they will introduce some movement into my on-a-coach-with-needles life! ^^

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